Aug 21Liked by Jess Weisz

Jess, I just LOVE your writing style! And what you have to say always hits home for me!!

Thanks for the perspective on gestation period. It motivates me to find that balance between feeling productive, and feeling good about my slow and steady pace. I love the feeling when I’m in a focused flow of work. I love the feeling of the excellence in productivity that come out of it. AND… it’s helpful to remember that some things just take time. The undue pressure and stress I put on myself for not ‘pushing through’ and being MORE productive, well, I could definitely do without that!

Definitely going to keep your safari education in mind when launching my new business!

Excited for your new cohort of new cohort for working parents peer group. As a past participant, I highly recommend it!

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Ohhhh - this warms my heart to ready!! Aren't we just such silly animals? Beating ourselves up for not going faster in something as if there was a lion chasing us down.

I'm excited to see all you will create in your own time. <3

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